Thinking of graphic novels for EER500

Well just as the title says that’s what I’m thinking about using for my research question. I suddenly realise that I still had access to some of ETL 402 and the Wiki where lots of my fellow students put loads of links. Now not ll of these will be appropriate but they might be some good stuff in there. then I thought that soon I won’t be able to access it any more, so here goes a quick cut and paste including other students names to acknowledge their work. Cheers!

Kathy Howard

Brenner, R. (2006). Graphic novels 101: FAQ. Hornbook publications. Boston. Retrieved from

Brenner, R. (2008). No flying no tights.

Queenie Chan’s personal website. Chan, Q. Website.

Judy Bolton Seems like a v.good website with lots of links in the sidebar to other online sources

Riordan, R. (2010). The lightning thief: The graphic novel. New York: Disney/Hyperion Books A colourful adaptation of Riordan’s 2005 fantasy…. Would be a good comparison to the original text or the film.

Jessica Wise

An online graphic novel called The Worm World Saga is about a boy who has an adventure every year when he visits his grandma. The graphics are amazing and what makes this one special is that the author Daniel Lieske shows how it is made using a computer through YouTube clips. This would be useful for extension activities for students interested in drawing and using computers.

Karly West

Hale, S. & Hale, D. (2008). Rapunzel’s Revenge. New York: Bloomsbury U.S.A. Children’s Books. A spin on the traditional tale of Rapunzel. A great stimulus for creative writing. Aimed at middle to upper primary.

Holm, J. & Holm, M. (2005). Baby Mouse: Queen of the world! New York: Random House. A very cute book aimed at lower to middle primary girls. It explores friendships within a school environment and portrays the message of being yourself in order to be happy.

Morrison, T. & Morrison, S. (2003). Who’s Got Game? The ant or the grasshopper? New York: Simon and Schuster. The traditional Aesop’s tale of the Ant and the Grasshopper. Suitable for lower to middle primary.

Runton, A. (2005). Owly. Canada: Top Shelf Productions, Inc. A very cute story that contains images only. Aimed at lower primary students, it depicts an owl and his worm friend trying to befriend and help out two birds who are not interested in their kind gestures. It lends itself to discussions involving friendships and the motivation behind helping others.

Siegal, S. & Siegal, M. (2006). To Dance: a ballerina’s graphic novel. New York: Simon and Schuster. A wonderful autobiography of Siegal’s life as she becomes a professional ballerina. Aimed at upper primary students.

Spiegelman N. & Loeffler, T. (2010). Zig and Wikki: in something ate my homework. New York: RAW Junior, LLC. This delightful and humerous story integrates fiction with non-fiction components. Aliens, Zig and Wikki, land on Earth in search of a pet. Interesting facts about the animals they encounter are integrated into the story. Would be perfect to use alongside a unit on bugs, living things or environments or as a class reader for lower primary.

Spires, A. (2009). Binky the Space Cat. Toronto: Kids Can Press. A very funny graphic novel that lower to middle primary students will enjoy. It has themes involving space as a cat tries to protect his humans by becoming an alien hunting cat.

Web-based resources:

Graphic Novel Reporter: has reviews of a huge range of GNs, however they are listed by title only, so it is best to know which book you would like to learn about when searching this website.

Comics in the Classroom: is a very useful resource aimed at educators. It contains reviews, links to online graphic novels and lesson plans involving graphic novels.

The Comic Master: can be used to publish your own graphic novel.

Bridgette Manley

Sidekicks: A website reviewing graphic novels for younger kids (sister site to No Flying tights)

Runton, A. (2011). Owly Books and Graphic Novels! Free online (in PDF format) graphic novels for lower primary.

The Horn Book, Inc. (2011). The Horn Book Magazine. Very useful for information on graphic novels.

Powell, M. (2009). The Graphic Novel Red Riding Hood. Minnesota: Stone Arch Books. An interesting and modern way to introduce and learn about fairy tales for primary students.

Yomtov, N. (2010). Jason and the Golden Fleece. London: Raintree Books. An interesting and modern way to introduce and learn about myths and legends with primary students. This book is part of a series called Graphic Myths.

Nathan Wilcox

Gonick, L., & Criddle, C. (2005). The Cartoon Guide to Chemistry. New York : HarperResource. Chemistry for the visual learners. Most useful.

Gonick, L., & Scott, W. (1993). The Cartoon Guide to Statistics. New York : HarperResource Helpful basic insight into statistics. Great for visual learners.

Happy days

How brilliant the last few weeks have been. Feedback for my last assignment was very positive and I feel that my learning really moved forward this semester. It has also been great to have some time off to do some reading. I have loved the children’s books that I was lucky enough to read over the half term. Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thieves (Riordan) was much better than I had anticipated. I loved Sky Hawk,( Gill Lewis) a book based in Scotland and Africa about ospreys and relationships. I think my favourite though was A Monster calls By (author) Siobhan Dowd, By (author) Patrick Ness (ISBN 13: 9781406311525) An absolutely brilliant book that deals with death and bereavement and includes the most wonderful illustrations. Lucky me, Wonderstruck has also just landed on my doorstep. (Brian Selznick ISBN 9780545027892) although I doubt I will have time to read anymore as EER 500 is about to start. I had promised myself I would read some of the Booker shortlist and long list this year and I’ve managed 2 so far. However it will probably be Christmas before I get to the rest.
EER 500 seems quite interesting although I doubt that it can top Children’s literature which is my passion. If I could combine my interest in children’s literature in this next assignment it might just help me. However at the moment I seem to be able to find lots of stuff on E Books and little on children’s literature, especially in Hong Kong. I’ve contacted Beverley already and mentioned that something related to International Education and Children’s literature might be a possibility and she seemed to agree. So all in all a productive few weeks. Feeling positive and I’m almost half way through! 4 out of 9 ain’t bad!

Not a bad place to catchup on some reading.